Author: | Ben Finney <> |
Updated: | 2022-08-25 |
The game Blood on the Clocktower features many dozens of characters. Some of these are released, and will be part of the base game. As time goes on, the developers are also revealing unreleased characters for the community to enjoy.
These revealed, unreleased characters are all still in development, and no promises are made for whether they will exist in this form (or at all!) in any released product.
Some of these characters are described in a special Almanac chapter of “experimental” characters included as an early reveal for crowd-funding backers; that document is not published publicly. Some characters here have not been described in any Alamanac entry. In all cases, the rules for these characters are not yet officially published in a final form.
This document provides unofficial, speculative rules explanations for those revealed characters that I understand how to run. This represents my best understanding and not any official material from the BotC developers.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Outsider |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-05-24 |
Each night, during the entire night, check both good living neighbour players of the Acrobat player — that is, the two good, living players (ignoring evil players, ignoring dead players) seated closest to the Acrobat. Whenever either of those two players is drunk or poisoned tonight, the Acrobat dies: place the Acrobat “Die” marker token, and a death shroud on the player's position.
When the Acrobat player is drunk or poisoned, the Acrobat ability has no effect and will not cause the Acrobat to die.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Demon |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-08-12 |
When tonight is not the First Night, wake al-Hadikhia. Al-Hadikhia points to three players. Put al-Hadikhia to sleep. Mark those players, in the order chosen, with the al-Hadikhia “Target 1”, “Target 2”, “Target 3” marker tokens.
Announce that you need silence from the players, as you are now going to announce al-Hadikhia's choices. No player may make noise or signal any other player while this happens.
For each player chosen, in order, wake that player. Announce “Al-Hadikhia has chosen name” where name is the player's name. That player responds with a head signal: nod “yes” for life, or shake “no” for death. Put that player to sleep.
If they chose “yes” for life, remove the death shroud, if any, from that player position in the Grimoire. If they chose “no” for death, put a death shroud (if they do not have one already) on that player's position in the Grimoire.
If an alive player chose “no” for death, that player dies. If, after resolving all three players' choices, all three are alive: Place a death shroud on each chosen alive player; they all die.
Any player who had a death shroud but now does not, is now alive.
Announce that players may resume speaking if they wish.
At dawn, announce death and life changes as normal: declare each player who was alive and is now dead, or was dead and is now alive. Ask the players to update the Town Square life tokens and vote tokens to represent this.
A dead player who chooses “yes” to live will (if at least one chosen player dies) become alive.
The condition “if all three live” ignores what the players chose, and depends only on which players are alive after their choices are resolved. An alive player who chooses “no” for death, but is somehow protected from death, will be alive at this point and thus counts for this condition.
When al-Hadikhia is drunk or poisoned, they use their ability but it has no effect on any other player: the players are not told al-Hadikhia is acting, the choices are not announced, the target players are not woken, no player is killed or resurrected, etc.
When al-Hadikhia dies, they lose their ability as normal. The players that were already killed or returned to life remain as they are; no further effects occur from al-Hadikhia's ability. At dawn, announce any changes of alive or dead state of players, as normal.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-10-07 |
During set-up, place the Alchemist's “Has this ability” marker token by the character token of a not-in-play Minion. If that character ability has set-up effects, apply those effects as though the Alchemist player is that character.
On the First Night, wake the Alchemist. Show the “You have this ability” card, then the character token marked “Has this ability”. Then, put the Alchemist to sleep.
The Alchemist has the Minion ability marked. Their alignment does not change, and they are not a Minion. Their character is still Alchemist, which is a Townsfolk.
When the Alchemist is getting false information when they learn their ability, show the character token of a Minion that is in play. The Alchemist actually has the ability of the not-in-play character marked “Has this ability”; any information yielded from that ability must be falsified also.
When the Alchemist is drunk or poisoned when they learn their ability, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
When the Alchemist is drunk or poisoned, they have a Minion ability but it is not working until the Alchemist is sober and healthy. You may deceive them to think they have that ability or a different ability, as appropriate.
When the Alchemist is dead, their ability stops working immediately. If the Minion ability they have implies an effect after the player dies, that effect works normally.
When the Alchemist enters play during the game, they gain a Minion ability and learn this on their first night, as normal.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-04-07 |
⚠ For veteran players only: Any script containing this character should be played only by people who have experience playing all the base-game scripts, and are familiar playing a broad range of character abilities.
⚠ For expert Storytellers only: Any script containing this character requires a Storyteller with a broad range of experience with the game and with all character abilities in the base game.
During set-up, decide the entire ability for the Amnesiac.
You need to decide:
The skills and expectations of the Amnesiac player and the other players.
This will be an important guide in how complex to make the ability, and how you expect the players will attempt to figure out the ability as the days go by.
The ability should be easy enough for that player to use it effectively after a few days of guessing; no more than a handful.
If in doubt, make the ability simpler and easier to guess. For players new to this character, start with an existing simple ability from a character on another script the players know, with a slight change to its effect.
The power level of the ability, in terms of how much overall advantage it brings to the good team.
The ability should be a significant benefit to the good team overall, like other Townsfolk on the script. It is normal to make the ability even a little better, because the player has the disadvantage of probably spending several days not knowing what their ability does exactly.
The text of the ability. You may need to keep this in your mind throughout the game, distinct from other abilities.
Structure the Amnesiac ability as though for a real character: you should be able to imagine it actually written on a character token, as precisely as possible, with all its clauses and effects. You will need it precise enough to be clear, for any arbitrary vague or specific guess made by the player, how close the guess is to the concrete ability you have made.
If you like, find a way to write the ability down secretly; but be careful that you don't take long doing this, because it might accidentally reveal that you spent time to write an Amnesiac ability!
If the ability alters set-up of characters or alignments: Exactly what changes are made, and what cascading effects will be.
Changes to set-up are rare among normal characters, so this will increase the difficulty in guessing and using the ability. Reserve this for only occasional use with particularly well-experienced players.
Note that the ability can only alter set-up if the Amnesiac was one of the characters in play during set-up. If, for example, a player later becomes the Amnesiac during the game, set-up effects of an ability cannot occur any more.
If the ability acts at night: When in the night order the Amnesiac acts.
The ability should act at night when other similar abilities do. You can be guided by the standard “poisoners; protectors; minions; killers; information” order of most night actions.
Run the ability as you designed it from the start. Prompt the player to make choices, give them information, or respond to events, as you would for any other ability. Use the Amnesiac's “Effect” marker tokens as needed.
During the day, any player may request a private chat with you. If the Amnesiac uses their ability to make a guess at their unknown ability, work with that player to get a mutual understanding of what ability they are describing. The player may guess vaguely or precisely or anywhere in between.
When you both agree that you understand what the player's description means, make a judgement about how close their description is to the actual ability. Give an answer that is one of “cold”, “warm”, “hot”, “bingo”, where “cold” means the guess is totally wrong, and “bingo” means the player's description is effectively the same as their unknown ability.
It is important to give answers only from the standard scale every time. This allows players to effectively bluff that they had a conversation with you as the Amnesiac.
When the Amnesiac is drunk or poisoned, their unknown ability will not have any effect and any information that player gets from their ability is arbitrary.
When drunk or poisoned, the Amnesiac player should get misleading answers to their guesses at their unknown ability. For example, “warm” if their guess was completely right; “hot” if they are on the wrong trail; etc.
When the Amnesiac loses their ability (e.g. the player dies), you no longer give an answer to their guess.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-12-04 |
⚠ For veteran players only: Any script containing this character should be played only by people who have experience playing all the base-game scripts, and are familiar playing a broad range of character abilities.
⚠ For expert Storytellers only: Any script containing this character requires a Storyteller with a broad range of experience with the game and with gauging the progress of an ongoing game.
During set-up, do not put evil character tokens in the bag. Instead, replace them all with Townsfolk and Outsider character tokens.
During the game, any rule or ability may be “broken” by the Storyteller, in order that the players are deceived that no Atheist is in play, and that a normal number of evil players and characters are in play.
Normally, the Storyteller is not a player and does not count as a player for any rules or effects. As an exception, with an Atheist on the script: When nominations are open, the Storyteller is a valid target for nomination to execute. This is allowed even if the Atheist is not in play.
When the Storyteller is nominated, run the vote count as normal, ending at the player who nominated.
If the nomination vote passes, the Storyteller is executed and the game ends. (The Storyteller is not a player, and does not die.) If the Atheist ability is working, the good team wins. If not, or if the Atheist is not in play, the evil team wins.
You should choose rule “breaks” that are fun but not wild, that are consistent with a typical game where the rules are in force and with the normal number of evil characters in play. Make it seem there are ability effects from evil players, and ability effects working in the presence of evil players. Simulate the actions of evil characters that might be in play, give false information sometimes to simulate drunk or poisoned players; in general, work to deceive the players that there are no rules being violated and there is no Atheist in play.
When the Atheist is drunk or poisoned, their ability is not working, though the Storyteller may continue to violate rules and abilities as described. Executing the Storyteller at this time causes the evil team to win.
When the Atheist is dead, their ability continues to work.
Note that the basic victory conditions state that when only two players are alive, the evil team wins. This is true even if there is no Demon in play.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-04-07 |
During set-up, replace one Townsfolk character token in the bag with an Outsider character token.
Each night, choose a player, mark that player's position with the Balloonist “Seen” marker for that player's character type, wake the Balloonist, point to that player, then put the Balloonist to sleep. Or, if all the character types in play are already marked for the Balloonist, the Balloonist does not act.
Because Traveller players are normally known to all players, it is typically not useful information to the Balloonist when you point to a Traveller. Normally, you should wait until all other types have been shown before showing a Traveller player to the Balloonist.
To give the Balloonist false information (e.g. if the player is drunk, or for the Vortox effect) is not as simple as for many other abilities. The first night of information from the Balloonist ability effectively cannot be false: any player around the circle might be shown and this would be “true” on their first night.
To falsify the Balloonist's information on a particular night, mark a player position in the Grimoire with an incorrect “Seen” marker token for that player's character type. For example: mark an Outsider player with “Demon seen”, whether or not the “Outsider seen” token is already placed; mark a Minion player with “Townsfolk seen”, whether or not the “Minion seen” marker token is already placed. This will make the information taken over several nights be false, based on one instance (or more) of incorrect information.
When the Balloonist is drunk or poisoned, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Minion |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-07-01 |
When the Boomdandy is executed, immediately announce that the Boomdandy ability has activated.
When you announce that the Boomdandy ability activates, do not reveal which player is the Boomdandy. Typically it is obvious (the player who was executed), but some effects might change this; do not confirm, let the players come to their own explanations.
The Boomdandy now kills players so that only three players remain alive. The Demon is not one of the players killed.
Mark the players that die, in any order you choose, with death shrouds on each player position in the Grimoire. Then, announce the results: perform a sweep around the circle of players similar to a vote (but this is not a vote and no votes are counted), that ends at the Boomdandy player. As you pass each player, announce “you die” if that player was alive and is now dead, “you live” if that player remains alive, or nothing if the player was already dead.
Ask the players to update the life tokens in the Town Square to show who is now dead and who is alive.
No more nominations nor executions happen today. Instead, announce that all players now decide who dies by pointing to a player. Players may discuss and point for one minute. Use a silent timer if you want to. Count down the seconds if you want to.
Players may continue to speak freely, may participate whether alive or dead, and may point at any player or no player, changing their decision or not, until the end of a minute. This is not a nomination, these are not votes, and this is not an execution nor exile; abilities or rules that affect those do not apply here.
After exactly one minute, tell the players to “freeze”; all players must stop talking or moving immediately, and all decisions of where to point are now final. Each player is clearly pointing to exactly one player, or is pointing to no-one.
For each player that someone points to, count aloud the number of fingers pointing to that player.
If one player has a clear majority of players pointing to them, that player dies immediately. If there is a tied majority, no one dies and the day ends. Then, the game continues.
If this process kills a player, this leaves two players alive. This is normally a victory for one team: the good team if the Demon is dead, or the evil team if not.
If this process kills no one, this typically leaves the Demon alive as one of three players. This normally lets the evil team kill a player tonight and win the game at dawn.
When the Boomdandy dies but is not executed, they lose their ability with no effect, as normal.
When the Boomdandy is drunk or poisoned when executed, their ability does nothing and the game continues.
When the Boomdandy is executed but does not die due to some special effect, this does not protect them from dying to their own ability. You should typically kill them along with other players.
When the player chosen by majority of players does not die, the Boomdandy effect is spent and the game continues as normal.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-07-04 |
During set-up, choose one Townsfolk player to be evil. Mark their player position with an “evil” alignment token.
At the start of the First Night, wake that player; show the “You are” card, then the thumb-down “evil” hand sign. Put that player to sleep.
On the First Night, choose any player on the evil team. Mark that player position with the Bounty Hunter “Client” marker token. Wake the Bounty Hunter. Point to the marked player. Then, put the Bounty Hunter to sleep.
When the marked player dies, choose another player on the evil team and move the “Client” marker token to that player's position. That night, wake the Bounty Hunter. Point to the marked player. Then, put the Bounty Hunter to sleep.
When the Bounty Hunter is getting false information (either on the First Night, or later when their “Client” has died), mark a player that is not evil with their “Client” marker token.
When the Bounty Hunter is drunk or poisoned at the time they learn a new player, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
When the player marked “Client” dies, whether or not that player was evil, the Bounty Hunter now learns a new player as normal.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-04-07 |
Pay attention to the character bluffs claimed by evil players during the game; any of those players might be executed, and these false characters can be a good option to deceive the Cannibal.
When any player is executed and dies, mark that player position with the Cannibal “Has this ability” marker token. If that player is evil, mark the Cannibal player position with the “Poisoned” marker token.
The Cannibal has that ability immediately, until the next time a player dies by execution. If poisoned because the player was evil, the poison remains until the next time a good player dies by execution.
Note that the Cannibal is not told what ability they gained. You should run that ability for the player as normal, but do not inform the player what ability it is.
When the Cannibal is poisoned because the executed player is evil, they gained the player's ability (and, as normal, are not told what ability they gained), but it is now not working and cannot affect the game state. You should pretend that they have the ability of a different character: ideally, a character that player was bluffing as, to support that player's bluff and to deceive the poisoned Cannibal.
When the Cannibal is drunk or poisoned at the time a player dies by execution, they do not gain the player's ability. While they are drunk or poisoned you should deceive the Cannibal player that they do have some ability, but their use of the ability will not have any effect on game state.
When the Alchemist is dead, their ability stops working immediately. If the ability they gained implies an effect after the player dies, that effect works normally.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-04-29 |
During set-up, ensure that the King is one of the Townsfolk in the bag. Replace another Townsfolk with the King if needed.
When the Demon kills the King, wake the Choirboy at the next opportunity tonight. Point to the Demon player. Then put the Choirboy to sleep.
When the King dies from an effect of the Demon character ability, or from the ability of a player who is the Demon, the Choirboy wakes to learn the Demon, as above.
When the Choirboy is getting false information, point to any player that is not the Demon.
When the King dies from any cause except the ability of a Demon character or player, the Choirboy does not wake or learn anything.
When the King is not in play for some reason, the Choirboy ability cannot have any effect.
When the Choirboy is drunk or poisoned when they wake to learn the Demon, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
You may also deceive them by waking them when the King died from some cause other than the Demon ability, or while the King is not dead, or while the King is not in play.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-07-04 |
Each night, arbitrarily choose an alive neighbour of the Cult Leader. The Cult Leader's alignment is now that of the chosen player. Place an alignment token of that alignment on the Cult Leader's player position.
If the Cult Leader changed alignment, wake the Cult Leader. Show the “You are” card, then the hand signal (thumb-up “good”, thumb-down “evil”) for the Cult Leader's current alignment. Then, put the Cult Leader to sleep.
During the day, any player may claim to be the Cult Leader and ask players to join their cult. Each player may ask for this no more than once each day.
Run a poll of players who consent to join that player's cult, using the same mechanism as voting, ending at the player who asked for the poll. There is no nomination, consent to join is not a vote, and there is no execution (all players are free to raise their hand or not; vote tokens are not affected; there is no effect from abilities or rules that refer to nomination, vote, or execution; etc.).
If the player is the Cult Leader, check whether every player on the good team consented in the poll. If so, the Cult Leader's team wins immediately. If not, nothing happens.
When a player who is not the Cult Leader asks players to join their cult, the Cult Leader ability ignores this. Run the poll as described, but there is no effect. Any other player who has not yet asked players to join their cult today may still do so.
When a player who joined the cult today changes alignment, this does not alter the result of the resolved poll.
When the Cult Leader's ability stops working due to being drunk, poisoned, or dead, the player's alignment remains the same.
When the Cult Leader is drunk or poisoned at the time players consent to join their cult, their ability has no effect and does not cause any team to win. They may not ask again today for players to join their cult.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Outsider |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-07-15 |
During the First Night, wake all Minions. Show the “These characters are in play” card, then the Damsel character token. Then, put all Minions to sleep.
During the day, any player may declare they are making a guess at the Damsel. That player names and points to the player they guess is the Damsel. If the player who made the declaration is a Minion, place the “Minion guess used” marker token on the Damsel player position.
When the first Minion guess of the Damsel player is correct, the evil team wins immediately.
Any player may declare subsequent guesses at the Damsel, but if the “Minion guess used” marker is already placed, the guess has no effect.
When a player who is not a Minion declares a guess at the Damsel, the Damsel ability ignores this. The Minions still have their one guess to use, as normal.
When the Damsel is drunk or poisoned and a Minion makes a guess, there is no effect. Place the “Minion guess used” marker token, and the game continues.
When the Damsel is dead, their ability stops immediately. Any Minion guess now will have no effect.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Fabled |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-08-28 |
During set-up, announce that you will make at least one mistake when running the game. Place the Deus ex Fiasco token on the Town Square and explain its ability. Show players where they can refer to the ability on the Fabled reference card during the game.
At some point during the game, if you realise you have made a mistake in the rules or ability effects, place the “Whoops” marker token in the Grimoire. During the day, announce that you make a mistake; you may state in general terms what the mistake relates to, or not.
You might make additional mistakes during the game; these may go unannounced or you may announce them also.
If you are confident toward the end of the game that you have made no mistake and will not make any more, choose an opportunity to get a rule or ability effect deliberately “wrong”. Place the marker token, and announce the “mistake” as usual.
After the game, during the curtain call, describe what mistakes you made and how they affected the game.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-10-21 |
Each night, if the Engineer has not yet used their ability, wake the Engineer. The Engineer either shakes their head “no”, or points to a Demon character on their character sheet, or points to Minion characters on their sheet in number corresponding to the number of Minions in play.
When the Engineer points to characters, they may either choose a Demon character only, or choose Minion characters only. If the Engineer's choice is not correct, shake your head “no” and prompt the Engineer to choose again as before.
Then, put the Engineer to sleep.
If the Engineer chose a Demon character or Minion characters, put the Engineer “Used” token on the Engineer's player position, then swap the Demon or Minion characters in play with the Demon or Minion character tokens the Engineer chose.
For each player whose character changed, wake that player. Show the “You are” card, then the character token for that player. Then put that player to sleep.
When the Engineer chooses a character already in play, the Engineer's ability is used as normal. That player's character does not change.
When the Demon or Minion players are different in number from normal, the Engineer's number of chosen characters will not match the number of Demon or Minion players. Choose arbitrarily which players remain unchanged, or which of the Engineer's chosen characters does not apply, to match the Engineer's choices to the corresponding players.
When the Engineer is drunk or poisoned, the Engineer's ability is used as normal, but has no effect. No player changes character.
Note that, by the basic rules Glossary, a character exists only if it is on the script for the current game.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-05-20 |
When the Farmer dies at night, choose an alive good player. Replace that player's character token with a spare Farmer token. Wake that player. Show the “You are” card, then the Farmer character token. Then put that player to sleep.
If every alive good player is already a Farmer, they do not change character; instead, nothing happens and the game continues.
When the Farmer is evil and dies, you must still choose an alive good player to become a new Farmer.
When the Farmer is drunk or poisoned and dies, nothing happens and they lose their ability as normal. Then the game continues.
When the Farmer dies during the day, nothing happens and they lose their ability as normal. Then the game continues.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Minion |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-09-09 |
Each night, wake the Fearmonger. The Fearmonger points to a player. Put the Fearmonger to sleep. Then place the “Fear” marker token on that player position.
If the “Fear” marker token is now on a player different from the previous night (this is always true on the First Night), announce “The Fearmonger has chosen a new player”. Then continue running the night.
When the Fearmonger nominates the player marked “Fear”, and the nomination result is that player is executed, the game ends immediately and that player's team loses.
When the Fearmonger is drunk or poisoned and nominates the player marked “Fear”, execution of that player has no special effect; the execution happens as normal and the game continues.
When any other player nominates the player marked “Fear”, there is no special effect.
When the player nominated is not executed, there is no special effect.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-04-07 |
⚠ For expert Storytellers only: Any script containing this character requires a Storyteller with a broad range of experience with the game and with gauging the progress of an ongoing game.
Pay attention during the game to what the Fisherman's team is discussing, what they might not have considered, and what the Fisherman might need to do in order to win.
During the day, any player may request a private chat with you. If the Fisherman uses their ability to ask for advice, consider the current state of the game. Then, give one piece of concrete advice.
The advice should take the form of an admonition: a “You should …” statement. It might be an action the player can take (e.g., “You should find out what the Fortune Teller saw last night”), or an attitude the player can adopt (e.g. “You should not trust the information from Dana”). It might imply information, but is not a statement of fact. Rather, consider what an observer, who knows what you know but cannot reveal any of it, would advise the player to do.
When you have given the advice to the Fisherman, place the “Used” marker token by the Fisherman token.
Because the advice is not information, it cannot be “made false” by any effect.
When the Fisherman is drunk or poisoned, the advice should be unhelpful to the Fisherman's team: direct the player to actions that are an obstacle to their team winning.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Traveller |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-05-02 |
Each day, the Gangster may declare they kill an alive neighbour by publicly pointing and naming that player.
If that player is not one of the Gangster's alive neighbours, reject the choice. This does not prevent the Gangster using their ability later today.
If this is the first time the Gangster chose an alive neighbour today, publicly ask the other alive neighbour if they agree to kill the chosen player. The Gangster may not use their ability again today.
If they agree, the chosen player dies. Mark that player's position with a death shroud as normal, and ask the players to flip the player's life token to its dark side in the Town Square.
When the Gangster is drunk or poisoned when they choose a player, ask whether the other alive neighbour agrees, as normal. Regardless of the answer, the chosen player does not die.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2019-12-17 |
⚠ For expert Storytellers only: Any script containing this character requires a Storyteller with a broad range of experience with the game and with gauging the progress of an ongoing game.
Pay attention during the game to which team is gaining advantage over the other: correct or incorrect information, who is alive or dead, which abilities have worked or not, which abilities are spent or remain active. Keep a current opinion of which team is winning relative to the other.
Each night, wake the General. Show the hand signal (thumb-up “good”, thumb-down “evil”) for the team you think is currently winning; to communicate “neither”, show a thumb pointing sideways. Then, put the General to sleep.
When the General is drunk or poisoned, you may give any misleading answer, true or false.
When an effect requires the General receive false information, the information must not match your true assessment of who is winning.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Minion |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-04-07 |
During the nomination period, when any player is nominated, they may immediately claim to be the Goblin before any votes. If the Goblin does so, and they are executed today, their team wins immediately.
When the Goblin is drunk, poisoned, or dead, their ability has no effect and cannot cause any team to win.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Outsider |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-08-26 |
During any nomination period, the Golem player may nominate a player for execution as normal. Mark the Golem player position with the “Cannot nominate” marker token; the Golem may no longer nominate for execution for the rest of the game.
If the player nominated by the Golem is not the Demon, that player dies. Mark that player's position with a death shroud as normal, and ask the players to flip the player's life token to its dark side in the Town Square. Then, run the nomination and vote as normal.
If the player nominated by the Golem is the Demon, nothing special happens. Then, run the nomination and vote as normal.
When any player dies during nomination and voting, that player may be executed as normal. If a dead player is executed, they normally do not die again but simply remain dead.
When the Golem player is marked “Cannot nominate”, their ability constrains them to never nominate for the rest of the game. They do not have the option to nominate, and it is considered cheating if the Golem player does so deliberately. This is not true for any player who is not the Golem, so you should choose carefully how to respond if the Golem player cheats in this way.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Outsider |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-04-01 |
During the game, a victory condition for the good team or evil team will eventually be met, that decides the winning team. This may be a victory condition from the basic rules, or any alternative condition from an ability. When this happens, the winning team instead loses the game, and the other team wins the game.
When the Heretic is dead, their ability continues to work: whoever wins, loses, and whoever loses, wins.
When the Heretic is drunk or poisoned, their ability does not work: any team which meets a victory condition wins the game as normal.
When there are multiple players with the Heretic ability active, and the game ends, all of the active abilities apply: the winning team is determined by reversing the outcome for every player with a Heretic ability active. For example, two reversals are equivalent to no reversal; three reversals are equivalent to one reversal; etc.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-07-15 |
During set-up, remove one Outsider from the bag and replace it with the Damsel. Or, if there are no Outsiders in the bag, remove one Townsfolk from the bag and replace it with the Damsel.
Each night, if the Huntsman has not yet used their ability, wake the Huntsman. The Huntsman either shakes their head “no”, or points to an alive player. If the player is not alive, shake your head “no” and prompt the Huntsman again.
Then, put the Huntsman to sleep. If they chose an alive player, put the Huntsman “Used” token on the Huntsman's player position.
If the player the Huntsman chose is the Damsel, choose a Townsfolk character not in play, and replace the Damsel token with that Townsfolk character token. Their character has now changed to that Townsfolk. Then, wake that player. Show the “You are” card, then the Townsfolk character token. Then put that player to sleep.
When the Damsel player is evil and is changed to a Townsfolk character, their alignment remains evil.
When a player has the Damsel ability but is not the Damsel, the Huntsman ability has no effect on that player.
When the Huntsman is drunk or poisoned and chooses a player, their ability is used, but has no effect. The Damsel does not change and is not woken by this ability.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-04-29 |
During set-up, consider whether to include the Choirboy as one of the Townsfolk. Normally the King and Choirboy are both on the script, but the King does not require the Choirboy to be in play. The players should not know at first whether the Choirboy is in play; this uncertainty provides some protection to the King.
On the First Night, wake the Demon. Show the King character token, then point to the King player. Put the Demon to sleep.
Each night, compare the number of dead players and alive players. If the number of dead players is greater, wake the King. Show the character token of an alive player. Put the King to sleep.
The character shown to the King may be one they have already seen, or a different one. The character of any player might be shown, regardless of character type or player alignment. You should make this information helpful to the good team; the King is a Townsfolk character, normally does not get any information until several days into the game, and is at great risk from the Demon in exchange for this powerful information.
When the King enters play during the game, the Demon learns which player is the King at the first opportunity tonight, as described.
When the King is drunk or poisoned on their first night, no information is given to the Demon. When the King is sober and healthy, the Demon learns which player is the King at the first opportunity tonight, as described.
When the King is getting false information, show them a character token that is not in play, or a character token of a player that is dead.
When the King is drunk or poisoned, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
If there is a way on the script that players may be dead but appear alive (or vice versa), when the King is drunk or poisoned you may deceive them by waking them when the number of dead players is not greater than the number of alive players.
Keep in mind that the Choirboy ability takes effect when the King dies.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Demon |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-02-04 |
During set-up, disregard the normal distribution of character types for the number of players. Instead, put a number of Legion tokens more than half the number of players into the bag. It is recommended that this be the normal number of the good team; for example, in a 12-player game put 9 Legion into the bag.
The remaining character tokens are good; choose any combination of Townsfolk and Outsiders to put into the bag.
On the First Night, all Legion players wake together for the Demon Info step. Give them time to be sure they all see all the other Legion players, and which players have not woken. Then, present the normal Demon Info information to all Legion players; take care that they all see and understand each piece of information. Typically there will be no Minions to show to the Demon. Every Legion player sees the same three not-in-play characters. Then, put all the Legion players to sleep.
If tonight is not the First Night, choose a player to die, or choose no player. If you chose a player, mark that player with the “Die” marker token and a death shroud: that player dies.
Typically you should kill a Legion player each time, unless a single kill would decide the game. As with most Storyteller choices, typically help the currently losing team.
When players vote for an execution, if any good player voted, the nomination passes or fails as normal; if this is now the nomination that is currently leading, place the “To be executed” marker token on the nominee.
If the nomination completed and no good player voted, the tally for the nomination is changed to zero; this normally makes the nomination fail.
After all nominations are concluded, the only nominations that can succeed are those that got a sufficient vote tally; use the “To be executed” marker token to track the current leading nominee for execution.
Any ability that tests whether a player is a Minion may see any Legion player as a specific Minion. Each Legion player is also a Demon and may register as a Demon.
When any Legion player is drunk or poisoned, this does not affect any other Legion player's ability. The effect on execution votes, and the death of a player each night, occurs while any Legion player's ability is working.
When there is no Legion player with a working ability (because all of them are dead, drunk, poisoned, or some other effect stops their ability), the Legion ability has no effect: execution votes proceed as normal, and Legion does not kill any player at night.
A drunk or poisoned Legion player will not register as a Minion.
When any Legion player dies, they lose their ability as normal.
Note that each alive Demon player counts as “the Demon” for the purpose of abilities and the basic rules. The normal victory conditions hence require every Demon player to be dead before the good team wins.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Demon |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-04-07 |
Before dawn each night, mark the coming day number for the Leviathan.
At dawn, along with announcements of who died at night, also announce “This is day n. The Leviathan is in play.”, where n is the day number.
When a good player is executed, place the Leviathan “Good player executed” marker token on that player position. If this has already been placed and a second good player is executed, the evil team wins immediately.
When day 5 of the game ends, the evil team wins immediately.
When the Leviathan is drunk or poisoned, the execution of a good player does not get marked for the Leviathan. When the Leviathan is again sober, healthy, and alive, count subsequent executions for the Leviathan ability as normal.
When the Leviathan is drunk or poisoned, the count of days continues uninterrupted. If day 5 of the game ends while the Leviathan is drunk or poisoned, their ability has no effect; when the Leviathan is sober, healthy, and alive, if day 5 has already ended, the ability works as normal and the evil team wins immediately.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Demon |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-07-04 |
Before the game starts, ensure all players understand the Lil' Monsta ability. In particular, be clear that when you give a player the Lil' Monsta character token, that player's alignment and character do not change, but, until another babysitter is chosen, that player is the Demon for all purposes.
(Optional rule: It can be fun to use the character token (or another unique, identifiable object of similar size) as a token representing the Demon baby, and hand the token physically to the chosen babysitter at night for them to care for in secret.
If you use this optional rule, the token should be known to all players: present it and identify it to the players before the game, when explaining the Lil' Monsta ability effects. Make sure to choose a token that any player in the group could be holding; some players might not have pockets or purses for holding small objects easily. Revealing the Lil' Monsta token during the game is a trivially easy way for the babysitter to prove they are the Demon; this will affect the Minion's choice of babysitter each night. Be prepared to advise any player that assaulting someone to “search” them is not allowed, and bullying someone to reveal what they are holding is not allowed. You may also want to be clear whether losing possession of the Lil' Monsta token, representing a failure to care properly for the baby, causes the immediate death of Lil' Monsta.
The optional physical representation of the baby on the player can be a lot of fun, but consider the comfort of all of your players with the implications of these effects.)
During set-up, do not place the Lil' Monsta token in the bag. Instead, place another Minion token in the bag.
On the First Night, skip the Minion Info and Demon Info steps. Because no player is ever Lil' Monsta, typically there is no player on the First Night whose character is a Demon.
When the Lil' Monsta acts, wake all Minion players together. They collectively and silently come to a consensus, by pointing, which player should babysit Lil' Monsta.
(If using the optional rule of a physical token representing Lil' Monsta: If the player is different from the previous night, take the Lil' Monsta token from the previous player. If that player is not a Minion: Put the Minions to sleep, then wake that player, take the token, and put them to sleep.)
If the chosen player is not a Minion, put the Minions to sleep, then wake that player. Show the “This is the Demon” card, then point to the player. (If using the optional rule of a physical token representing Lil' Monsta: Give the chosen player the Lil' Monsta token.) Then put everyone to sleep. Put the “Is the Demon” marker token on the chosen player's position.
If tonight is not the First Night, choose a player to die; mark that player with the “Die” marker token and a death shroud. You should try to choose not as an omniscient Demon; instead, choose to sometimes help the currently losing team, as with most Storyteller choices.
The player babysitting Lil' Monsta is the Demon for the purposes of rules and abilities, including the victory conditions. But that player is not Lil' Monsta, does not have that ability, and does not change character nor alignment when they become babysitter.
When the babysitter of Lil' Monsta is dead, this means the Demon is dead. (Normally, this ends the game with a victory for the good team.)
When an effect causes the Lil' Monsta character to die (e.g. the Pit-Hag “deaths tonight are arbitrary”), the Lil' Monsta character leaves play; remove the Lil' Monsta character token. (Normally, this ends the game with a victory for the good team.)
When the babysitter is drunk or poisoned or has no ability, this has no effect on the Lil' Monsta ability, because the player does not have that character nor ability.
When an ability causes a specific player to become the Demon, and Lil' Monsta is the Demon in play, that player immediately becomes the babysitter and does not change character. At the next opportunity tonight, give the character token to that player just as if the Minions had chosen that player.
When an ability causes a specific player to become Lil' Monsta, the player's character does not change. Instead, that player becomes the babysitter for Lil' Monsta, as described above.
When the Lil' Monsta enters play during the game, the character acts tonight as normal with all in-game effects: Minions wake together to choose a babysitter; you choose a player, who dies. (As normal for any character, the set-up effects do not occur during the game: no players change character.)
Effects that remove a character from play, can cause Lil' Monsta to be removed. One example is Pit-Hag's “deaths tonight are arbitrary”: the Lil' Monsta is a valid target to die, separate from the babysitter player.
Effects that target a character, can target Lil' Monsta. The player babysitting Lil' Monsta is not the target and is not affected. One example is Courtier “choose a character: they are drunk […]”, which can target the Lil' Monsta: the Lil' Monsta ability stops working while drunk, as normal.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Demon |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-06-17 |
On the first night the Lleech is in the game, wake the Lleech. They point to an alive player; put the Lleech to sleep. That player is poisoned; place the “Poisoned” marker token on that player position.
When the Lleech would die, if the poisoned player is alive, the Lleech does not die.
When the poisoned player dies, the Lleech also dies immediately. Normally, this means the Demon is dead, and ends the game with a victory for the Good team.
If tonight is not the First Night, wake the Lleech. The Lleech points to a player; put the Lleech to sleep. That player dies; mark that player position with the “Die” marker token and a death shroud.
The player poisoned by the Lleech does not affect the Lleech ability; it is that player's ability which is affected, not the Lleech's ability.
When the Lleech is drunk or poisoned, the poisoned player they chose is not poisoned. The Lleech “Poisoned” marker token remains on that player, and the poison will resume when the Lleech is again sober and healthy.
When the poisoned player chosen by the Lleech dies while the Lleech is drunk or poisoned, the Lleech is unaffected. That player remains marked with the Lleech “Poisoned” marker token, even while dead.
When the Lleech dies while drunk or poisoned, they die as normal, without regard for the poisoned player they chose.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-01-07 |
Each night after First Night, wake the Lycanthrope to choose an alive player. If the target player is alive, put the Lycanthrope to sleep.
If the target player is not alive, that player is not a valid target; do not put the Lycanthrope to sleep. Instead, shake your head “no”, then prompt the Lycanthrope to choose a player again, as above.
If the target player is not good, nothing happens.
If the target player is good, mark their player position with the Lycanthrope “Die” marker token. That player dies: place a death shroud on their character token.
When the Lycanthrope kills a player tonight: for any other players that would die tonight, they instead do not die.
When the Lycanthrope is drunk or poisoned, their target does not die. Any other effects that would kill players tonight remain unaffected by the Lycanthrope.
When the Lycanthrope died tonight, their ability immediately stops. Effects that would kill any player after the Lycanthrope dies, will not be prevented by the Lycanthrope.
When a player targeted by the Lycanthrope is good but does not die tonight from the Lycanthrope effect, the Lycanthrope ability has no effect on (does not prevent) other players dying tonight.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-06-03 |
During the Minion Info step (typically on the First Night), when you show the “This is the Demon” card, point to the Demon and the Magician in an arbitrary order.
During the Demon Info step (typically on the First Night), when you show the “These are your Minions” card, point to the Minions and the Magician in any arbitrary order.
The “These characters are not in play” procedure is not affected, and the Demon learns this information as normal.
The Magician is not a Demon nor a Minion, and does not wake with the evil team. The Magician ability does not cause the player to register falsely: they register as their actual team, as a Townsfolk, as the Magician, etc. unless a different effect changes this.
The Magician ability does not yield information and is not changed by effects that alter information.
When the Magician is drunk or poisoned when the Minion Info or Demon Info steps happen, those steps proceed as normal, the Minions and Demon learn information normally.
When the Magician is dead, their ability stops immediately. If the Minion Info or Demon Info steps happen, those steps proceed as normal, the Minions and Demon learn information normally.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Minion |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-04-15 |
During set-up, remove the Marionette token from the bag. Place an additional Townsfolk token into the bag. If there are three Minions in play, remove another Minion from the bag and place an additional Townsfolk in the bag.
There should now be zero or one Minion tokens in the bag. This ensures that at least one neighbour of the Demon received a good character token. The Marionette, and possibly one more Minion token, are temporarily in reserve in the Grimoire.
After each player has their character, choose a good player neighbouring the Demon: place the “Is the Marionette” marker token on that player position.
At dusk on the First Night, if you reserved an additional Minion token from the bag, choose any Townsfolk player that is not the Marionette player. Remove the Townsfolk token and replace it with the Minion character token; that player is now that Minion character and is evil. Wake that player. Show the “You are” card, then the Minion character token. Show the “You are” card, then the thumb-down “evil” sign. Put that player to sleep.
On the First Night, wake the Demon. Point to the player marked “Is the Marionette”, then show the Marionette character token. Then, put the Demon to sleep.
During the Minion Info step, or any other time a rule or ability says to wake a player because they are a Minion, do not wake the Marionette. The other Minions will not see enough Minions wake in the Minion Info step.
The Marionette thinks they are a good character, but they are not that character, and do not have that ability. The Storyteller should deceive the player they have that ability: Wake them at night, show arbitrary information, have conversations in public or private with them, respond to their choices, all as appropriate to the character they received.
When the Marionette is drunk or poisoned at the time the Demon would learn that player is the Marionette, this does not happen and the Demon learns nothing.
When the Marionette is dead, their ability stops immediately. They do not learn that they are the Marionette.
When the Demon player changes character, this does not affect the Marionette ability. The effect on seating occurs only during set-up.
When a player becomes the Marionette, or gains the Marionette ability, the Demon learns that player is the Marionette. At the next opportunity tonight, wake the Demon to inform them the same way as for the First Night procedure, above.
When a player becomes the Demon, the Demon learns which player is the Marionette. At the next opportunity tonight, wake the Demon to inform them the same way as for the First Night procedure, above.
(Obsolete, renamed to Mezepheles)
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Minion |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-03-04 |
During set-up, write a word somewhere secret.
Make the word very unusual, but also easy for any player to comprehend, remember, and repeat correctly.
The challenge to the Mezepheles is to somehow convince a player on the good team to say this word where they may be overheard, and in full knowledge of its potential effect.
On the First Night, wake the Mezepheles and show the written secret word to them. Then put the Mezepheles to sleep. You may then destroy the written word if you can remember it during the rest of the game.
Any time during the game, a player may say the secret word. The first time that you hear a good player say this, mark that player's position with the “Turns evil” marker token. Mark the Mezepheles player position with the “Used” marker token to remind you that the effect does not happen again.
At night, if a player is marked “Turns evil”, that player becomes evil: place an “evil” alignment marker token on that player position. Wake that player, then show the “You are” card, then the thumb-down “evil” signal. Put that player to sleep. Remove the “Turns evil” marker token.
When the Mezepheles is getting false information, show a word that is different from the one written.
When the Mezepheles is drunk or poisoned when they learn the secret word, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
When the Mezepheles is drunk or poisoned, any player saying the secret word still receives the “Turns evil” marker token, and the Mezepheles's ability is used.
When the Mezepheles has used their ability, and is then drunk or poisoned at night when their ability would act, the player marked “Turns evil” does not change alignment. Remove the “Turns evil” marker token, and leave the “Used” marker token in place. The ability has no effect on the marked player; do not wake them.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2022-02-05 |
Each night, while the Nightwatchman has not used their ability, wake the Nightwatchman: they either shake their head “no” to choose not to use their ability tonight, or point to a player. Then, put the Nightwatchman to sleep.
If the Nightwatchman chose a player, mark the Nightwatchman with the “Used” marker token, then wake that player. Show the “This ability targeted you” information card, then the Nightwatchman character token. Point to the Nightwatchman player, then put the chosen player to sleep.
Once the Nightwatchman has used their ability, do not wake them for their ability on future nights.
When the Nightwatchman ability is yielding false information, the chosen player does not learn the Nightwatchman player. Instead, wake the chosen player and point to a player that is not the Nightwatchman who chose this player.
When the Nightwatchman is drunk or poisoned when they use their ability, it is spent with no effect: do not wake the chosen player.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-08-01 |
During set-up, after each player has their character, place the Noble's “Know” marker tokens on the player position of three players: two good players and one evil player.
On the First Night, wake the Noble. Point to the marked players, in any arbitrary order. Put the Noble to sleep.
When the Noble is getting false information, point to any three players, provided the alignments of these players is not two good and one evil.
When the Noble is drunk or poisoned when they learn information, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
When the Noble enters play during the game, they learn three players on their first night, as normal.
The Noble learns three players only on their first night. If any of those players change alignment during the game, the Noble does not learn this.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-01-21 |
During set-up, after each player has their character, place the Pixie “Gain ability if mad” marker token on the player position of a Townsfolk character.
On the First Night, wake the Pixie. Show the marked Townsfolk character token. Put the Pixie to sleep.
During the game, pay attention to whether the Pixie player is being mad that they are the marked Townsfolk character. If they have consistently been mad they are that character, and the marked player dies today, place the Pixie “Has this ability” marker token on that character. The Pixie now has that ability.
When the Pixie gains an ability, their alignment and character do not change.
Note that the Pixie is not told what ability they gained. You should run that ability for the player as normal, but do not explicitly inform the player that they gained that ability.
When the Pixie is getting false information when they learn their marked character, show a Townsfolk character token that is not in play.
The character shown to the Pixie, whether it is correct or incorrect for the marked player, is the ability the Pixie stands to gain later.
When the Pixie is drunk or poisoned when they learn their marked character, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
When the Pixie is drunk or poisoned when the player of their marked character dies, the Pixie does not gain any ability.
While the Pixie is drunk or poisoned, you may deceive them privately to think they have gained the ability they were shown, or some other ability.
When the Pixie enters play during the game, mark an in-play Townsfolk character and show the Pixie on their first night, as normal.
When the player marked on the Pixie's first night changes character, this does not alter the Townsfolk character the Pixie will become. If that same player dies, the Pixie gains the Townsfolk ability that was originally marked.
When the Pixie dies, they lose their Pixie ability and can no longer gain the marked Townsfolk ability. They also lose any ability they already gained, unless that ability normally continues after death.
When the Pixie is dead, their ability stops working immediately and can no longer gain the marked Townsfolk ability. If they already gained their Townsfolk ability, and that ability implies an effect after the player dies, that effect works normally.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Outsider |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2020-07-04 |
⚠ For expert Storytellers only: Any script containing this character requires a Storyteller with a broad range of experience with the game and with gauging the progress of an ongoing game.
During the game, stay alert for what influence the Politician player is having on the game: private or public discussions, persuasion and argument, nomination and voting, etc.
When the game ends in defeat for the Politician's team, decide whether the Politician player's influence – deliberately or mistakenly – was the greatest influence in that defeat. If so, the Politician changes alignment and wins with the winning team.
When the Politician is dead, their ability works as normal.
When the Politician is drunk or poisoned, their ability has no effect; they win or lose with their team, without changing alignment.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-03-18 |
On the First Night, skip the Minion Info step: the Minions learn nothing during this step and do not wake. During the Demon Info step, do not show any Minions to the Demon. (This does not prevent the Demon learning three not-in-play characters during this step.)
When the Poppy Grower dies, place the “Evil learn each other” marker token. Tonight, at the next opportunity, show the Minions who is the Demon and the Demon who are the Minions, using the normal procedure for the Minion Info and Demon Info steps. Then, remove the “Evil learn each other” marker token.
When the Poppy Grower is drunk or poisoned when the Minion Info or Demon Info steps happen, those steps proceed as normal, the Minions and Demon learn information normally.
When the Poppy Grower is drunk or poisoned any time after the Minion Info or Demon Info steps, nothing happens. The time for those steps has already happened and does not come again.
When the Poppy Grower dies, their ability causes the Minions and Demon to learn each other, as above. This gives information to whichever players are currently Minion and/or Demon players, ignoring any players who now are not a Minion or Demon.
When the Poppy Grower is drunk or poisoned when they die, their ability has no effect and yields no information to other players.
When any Minion or Demon player is dead, this does not prevent them getting the Minion Info and Demon Info information, and so even if those players are dead the the Poppy Grower grants information to them.
When any Minion or Demon player is drunk or poisoned, this does not affect the Poppy Grower ability and the information to the Minions and Demon from the Poppy Grower ability will normally be true.
When a Traveller enters the game, this is unaffected by the Poppy Grower. The Traveller, if evil, learns which player is the Demon, as normal.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Townsfolk |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-07-04 |
Each night, wake the Preacher. The Preacher points to a player; put the Preacher to sleep.
If that player is a Minion, place a Preacher “No ability” marker token on that player position. Wake that player. Show the “This ability targeted you” card, then the Preacher token. Then, put that player to sleep.
For any players marked “No ability”, their ability stops. Do not wake that player to use their ability, nor use any of its effects.
When the Preacher's ability stops working because they are drunk, or poisoned, the Preacher no longer prevents any of the marked players' abilities from working. When the Preacher is again sober and healthy, the existing players marked “No ability” again have their ability stopped.
(As normal for most characters, when the Preacher player dies, their ability stops working permanently; remove the effect markers from the targeted players.)
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Minion |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-11-18 |
During the day, any player may declare they are the Psychopath; they choose a player by naming and/or pointing to them. If it is the Psychopath who declared this, and it is the first time today they did this, the player they chose, dies immediately.
When the Psychopath is executed, a different player (the nominator, or if that is not a different player, then a player you choose) and the Psychopath play a round of Roshambo.
Roshambo, also known as “Rock, Paper, Scissors”, is a two-person contest. The players face each other with one hand presented in a fist. They each simultaneously “pump” their fist up and down, both counting aloud “three, two, one, go” to synchronise their timing. At “go”, both players simultaneously present (“throw”) a hand symbol: one of fist “rock”, open palm “paper”, first two fingers “scissors”. “Rock” defeats “scissors”; “scissors” defeats “paper”; “paper” defeats “rock”. If both players throw the same symbol, the round is a draw and neither is defeated.
If the Psychopath is defeated in this single round of Roshambo, the execution succeeds as normal; if not defeated, the Psychopath does not die.
When a player who does not have the Psychopath ability declares they are using that ability, this has no effect. The player they choose does not die, and the Psychopath still may use their ability today.
When the Psychopath is drunk or poisoned when they choose a player with their ability, that player does not die, and any subsequent target of the ability today does not kill anyone.
When the Psychopath is drunk or poisoned when executed, they die as normal.
When the Psychopath is dead, they lose their ability as normal.
When the Psychopath player is dead but has their ability, executing the player will not kill them (because dead players cannot die): if the player is executed, do not invoke Roshambo.
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Type: | Outsider |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2021-09-23 |
During set-up, after each player has their character, place the Puzzlemaster's “Drunk” marker token on any player. That player is drunk from now on.
During the day, any player may have a private conversation with you or publicly declare they are using the Puzzlemaster ability. The player then chooses any player. Confirm that player made the guess, privately or publicly corresponding to how it was made.
If that player is the Puzzlemaster, and they have not yet used their ability, place the “Used” marker token on the Puzzlemaster player position.
Take the player aside for a private discussion. If they are the Puzzlemaster using their ability for the first time, name a player: the Demon player's name, if the Puzzlemaster guessed correctly; otherwise, the name of any player that is not the Demon.
When any player that is not the Puzzlemaster declares they are using the Puzzlemaster ability, perform the normal Puzzlemaster procedure, but do not give them the name of any player.
When the Puzzlemaster is getting false information, the player you name must be incorrect. If the Puzzlemaster's guess was correct, name any player that is not the Demon; if the Puzzlemaster's guess was incorrect, name the player that is the Demon.
When the Puzzlemaster is drunk or poisoned, you may deceive them by falsifying the information, as above.
When the Puzzlemaster is drunk or poisoned, the player marked “Drunk” is not drunk from the Puzzlemaster ability, until the Puzzlemaster is again sober and healthy.
When the Puzzlemaster is dead, the player marked “Drunk” continues to be drunk.
When the Puzzlemaster has used their ability, the player marked “Drunk” continues to be drunk, no matter what the Puzzlemaster guessed.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Demon |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-11-04 |
During set-up, remove all Minion tokens from the bag. Place that number of Riot tokens into the bag.
On the First Night, skip the Minion Info step because there are no Minion players.
On the First Night, during the Demon Info step, wake all Riot players together and ensure they all see each other. Show the normal Demon Info to all Riot players. All Riot players see the same 3 not-in-play characters. Put the Riot players to sleep.
When a player is nominated, that player dies immediately. (You are not required to explain what caused this; if Riot is not the only ability which can cause this effect, you should leave it to the players to speculate.) Add a death shroud to that player's position, and ask the players to turn that player's life token to the dark side in the Town Square.
Announce that the player who died this way, may nominate now, is the only one who may nominate again today, and must choose within 3 seconds. Count down the seconds “3, 2, 1, 0”. At “0”, if the player has not nominated, no more nominations are allowed. Normally, there are no more procedures for the day, and you may end the day now.
If the player nominated before the countdown ended, that player dies immediately as above, and the process repeats as described.
On the third day, if the player required to nominate does not do so, the Storyteller may nominate a player. That player dies immediately as above, and the process repeats as described.
When nominations open on the third day, announce that at the end of today, if no one has won, the game will end with evil victory.
At the end of the third day, evil wins immediately.
When any Riot player is drunk or poisoned or dead, this does not affect any other Riot player's ability. The effect on nomination, and the alternative victory condition, occurs while any Riot player's ability is working.
When a nomination is on someone that is not a player, that person does not die; the nomination and vote proceeds as normal. After the nomination, that person may nominate; if they nominate a player, that player dies to the Riot ability as described.
When all Riot players are dead, normally this satisfies the condition that the Demon is dead: if so, the good team wins immediately.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Outsider |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Revealed: | 2021-02-18 |
On the First Night, after the Minion Info step, for each Minion player, wake that player. Show the “These characters are not in play” card, then three character tokens of characters that are not in play. Then, put that player to sleep.
The character tokens you show to each Minion may be the same as shown to other players, different from those, or any combination you choose.
When the Snitch ability yields false information from some other effect, show to each Minion three character tokens that are in play.
When the Snitch is drunk or poisoned, the Snitch yields no information to other players: Do not wake the Minion players for this ability.
When the Snitch enters play during the game, for each Minion player who has not yet learned three characters from this ability, wake that Minion player and show three out-of-play characters, as described.
When a Minion enters play during the game, then at the first opportunity tonight that Minion player learns three not-in-play characters as described.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Fabled |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-08-28 |
During set-up, choose a good character on the script. Declare that “The Storm Catcher favours the character”, where character is the character name. Place the Storm Catcher token on the Town Square and explain its ability. Show players where they can refer to the ability on the Fabled reference card during the game.
If this character is in play, place the Storm Catcher “Protected” marker token on that player position.
On the First Night, during the Minion Info and Demon Info steps, if that character is in play, show the “These characters are in play” card, then the chosen character, then point to that player. Otherwise, show the “These characters are not in play” card, then the chosen character.
When the player with the chosen character would die by some effect other than execution, the player does not die.
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Minion |
Script entry: | ![]() |
Marker tokens: |
Revealed: | 2020-04-07 |
On the First Night, wake the Widow. Show them the Grimoire for as long as they need. The Widow points to a player. Put the Widow to sleep. Place the Widow “Poisoned” marker on that player position; that player is poisoned.
Then, choose any good player. Wake that player. Show the “These characters are in play” card, then the Widow character token. Put that player to sleep.
When the Widow poisons themself on their first night, this is before a good player would learn a Widow is in play: the “1 good player knows a Widow is in play” effect does not happen.
When the Widow is drunk or poisoned any time after the Widow acts on their first night, a good player has already learned the Widow is in play.
When the Widow is drunk or poisoned, the Widow's poison stops.
When the Widow is again sober and healthy, the Widow's poison effect resumes. If there is now no good player yet informed by the Widow effect “1 good player knows a Widow is in play”, that effect happens at the next opportunity tonight.
When the good player who knows the Widow is in play changes alignment to be evil, another player on the good team immediately learns the Widow is in play.
This unofficial material is free for use by the game community. The authors hereby agree to the terms of the Blood on the Clocktower Creativity, Copyright, & Design Terms V1.0.